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City Clerk's Office

                                Welcome to the Emmett City Clerk's Office!

                                              Lyleen Jerome, City Clerk

                                                                    501 E. Main St. Emmett, ID 83617
                                                                                 (208) 365-6050 EXT 3
                                                                        Office Hours: Mon-Fri: 8am-5pm


CREDIT/DEBIT CARD PAYMENTS: A third party 3% transaction fee ($2.00 minimum) will be charged on all credit/debit card payments. You may set up an account online to view your statements, have your monthly statement e-mailed to you and/or make a payment. If you would like to initiate any of the above items please click HERE. To make a payment by phone using your major credit/debit card, please call 208-369-9538. Payments by phone are also subject to service fees.


Alcohol Beverage  Catering Permit      Bartender License Fee

Liquor License

Beer License –On Premise

Beer License –Off Premise

Wine License –On Premise

Wine License –Off Premise

Dog Tag –Neutered/Spayed

Dog Tag –Non-Neutered/Non-Spayed

Late Fee (Begins Feb. 1st)

Replacement Dog Tag 

Pound Fees –1st Day 

Pound Fees –Each additional day

Business License

        - New License 

        - Renewal 

        - Late fee 

Solicitor Licenses

       - Investigation fee

       - Daily license fee

       - 6 month license fee 



· Cemetery Fees Document

$   20.00

$ 562.50

$ 200.00

$   50.00

$ 200.00

$   50.00

$   10.00

$   25.00

$     5.00

$     5.00

$   20.00

$   15.00

$   25.00

$   10.00

$     5.00


$   25.00

$   10.00

$   50.00

Questions or comments

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Monthly Utility Billing

1st of month:     Statements mailed

10th of month:  Payments due in full

15th of month:  $5.00 Late Fee

20th of month:  $25.00 Delinquent Fee 

Service is subject to disconnection if payment arrangements are not made by 5pm the day prior to shutoffs. 

For assistance call 208-365-6050 ext 3

Monthly Base Rates (1 inch meter):

Water Base Rate:  $20.72 plus $2.19 per 100 cu ft over the base rate

                                   748 gallons = 100 cu ft

Sewer Base Rate:  $31.54* plus $3.24 per 100 cu ft over the base rate

                                  *Residential sewer charge is averaged annually in April.

Street Light Rate: $1.25

Monthly Garbage Rates:

Residential Single Family (per door):              $15.18, including one sanitary cart.

Commercial (Per Weekly Pick-up):                   $28.26, including one sanitary cart.

Commercial Bin (Per pick-up on each bin):   $46.84, container fee charged directly by Emmett Sanitation

Dumpster (Per pick-up):                                     $176.50, container fee charged directly by Emmett Sanitation

Please contact Emmett Sanitation at (208) 365-6103 for additional carts, containers or special services.

You can also arrange bulky or large item collection for mattresses, furniture, appliances and more.

Restricted Items:

  • Rocks, Bricks, Dirt Sod, etc.

  • Hazardous Waste Products

  • Liquids like Paint or Motor Oil

  • Car Tires, Car Batteries

For the City of Emmett Holiday Schedule please visit Emmett Sanitation website by going to or clicking the green button below.

Sanitation Collection Reminders:

Please set your trash out for collection the night before. 

Residential service routes start at 6am and Commercial service routes start at 5am.

"Tie a knot before tossing it in the cart!"

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